Ottis Toole From United States

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ottis Toole From United States - Ottis Toole was an American serial killer, arsonist, and cannibal. He was an accomplice of the convicted serial killer Henry Lee Lucas. Toole and Lucas admitted to hundreds of unsolved murders over the span of several decades. Unlike Henry Lee Lucas, Ottis Toole confessed to cannibalism and went into extreme detail about the act.

From a young age, Ottis Toole was a serial arsonist who was sexually aroused by fire. In 1976, Toole met Henry Lee Lucas at a Jacksonville soup kitchen and the two developed a sexual relationship. Toole later claimed to have accompanied Lucas in 108 murders. In reality, Ottis Toole and Henry Lee Lucas helped police recover the bodies of 246 missing people and confessed to or implicated themselves in a further 430 murders.

Boiled Angel was an independent comic book by artist Mike Diana that contained graphic depictions of a variety of taboo and gory subject matters. In 1993, a copy of Boiled Angel #8 (or Ate) found its way into the hands of Florida Assistant State’s Attorney Stuart Baggish.

Diana was subsequently charged with several counts of obscenity and convicted. Boiled Angel #8 included a tabloid article that is said to contain a graphic interview on cannibalism with Ottis Toole.
Ottis Toole

The material is too obscene to discuss, but Toole goes into detail about cooking and eating humans with his homemade barbeque sauce. On September 15, 1996, at the age of 49, Ottis Toole died in his prison cell from liver failure. Twenty-seven years after the murder of Adam Walsh (son of John Walsh), authorities officially named Ottis Toole as the likely killer.

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